.. _ProjectSetup: Project setup. =================================== 1. Copy a template folder. Give it a project name. Follow the naming convention. 2. Launch the script provided in installation guide, navigate to the folder you've just created. 3. Save your files as project files. * Model / proxy file * Rig network file * Utilities file. * Final iterations file. Version Control. ----------------------------------- .. image:: img/VersionControlUI.jpg 1. **Save new version** Incremental save for your current file. 2. **Overwrite** If checked, won't create a new file on incremental save, will overwrite the newest one. 3. **Publish** Copies current file to published folder. All import functions will use that file. 4. **Save before publish** If checked, will first save your scene and then copy it. 5. **Settings** Opens settings tab below. 6. **File type to open** All file types have dedicated folders with versions. 7. **Open** Opens the file you chose. 8. **Versions** Open button will open this version of file. 9. **Open last file** Open Button will open the most recent version of the chosen type. 10. **Pub** Open Button will open Published file. 11. **Import Utility files** Textfield and a button. Type in file times you want ti import to your scene and press. On scene wile will reimport those files for you. 12. **Cleanup Nodes** Will add these nodes to Cleanup selection set. Type names separated by comma. Members of this set will be deleted on rig finalization. 13. **Open project folder in explorer** 14. **Publish script** Will execute this python script after publishing a file. This way you can cleanup your published scene from any garbage nodes. .. _AddNewFIleType: 15. **Add new file type.** Type in a name of a new file type and press *New File*. 16. **Notes** Here you can log your changes made to the file of current type. .. raw:: html